11th Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics
24-28 May 2015 IGESA, Porquerolles Island, Hyères, Var (France)

Abstract submission

The abstract submission is closed


Abstract submission will open on January 26, 2015.


Abstract preparation:

Download the abstract templates on the Download page(http://fltpd-xi.sciencesconf.org/conference/fltpd-xi/pages/TemplateAbstractFLTPD11.zip)

Abstract submission:

  1. Create a user account (http://fltpd-xi.sciencesconf.org/user/createaccount)
  2. Log in to your account
  3. Click on Submissions (http://fltpd-xi.sciencesconf.org/user/submissions)
  4. Enter the title of your abstract and your preference concerning the type of contribution ("Oral presentation" or "Poster". If you have been invited by the ISC choose "Invited"). If your work is related to the COST action TD1208 (electrical discharges with liquids), please indicate it.
  5. Fill in the forms
  6. Upload your pdf file
  7. Finalise your submission.
  8. Pre-register online (please note that final registration will be possible only after abstract acceptance)

Note that all contributed papers will be refereed by the International Scientific Committee (ISC). Based on their scientific quality, the abstracts will be accepted or rejected. The ISC will also select a limited number of the accepted contributions for an oral presentation.


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