11th Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics
24-28 May 2015 IGESA, Porquerolles Island, Hyères, Var (France)

Accommodation & fee

FLTPD fees  include full-board acommodation at IGESA center from Sunday 24th May before dinner to Thursday 28th May after lunch (IGESA website ).


  • Regular (registration and payment before April 20, 2015): 525 Euro (single room, full board)


  • Student (registration and payment before April 20, 2015): 350 Euro (double room, full board)


  • Regular (late payment): 600 Euro (single room, full board)


  • Students (late payment): 430 Euro (double room, full board)


  • Accompanying person: 380 Euro


  • Bus and ferry from Marseille airport to Porquerolles island, round trip: 35€ (24 May departure 16:00, 28 May arrival ~15:00)


  • Ferry  to Porquerolles island, round trip: 20€ (24 May 19:00 and 28 May 12:30)

The conference fee is all inclusive (conference registration, accommodation, meals, social events).

Students willing to stay in a single room must register as regular participants.

People presenting works in the fi eld of discharges with liquids can be partially reimbursed by the COST Action TD1208 (300 Euro and travel expenses; limited to 15 people). Please contact Professor Frantisek Krcma: name@fch.vutbr.cz

The registration is only final when the registration fee is received and confi rmed by the LOC.

Please note that the numbers of participants and single rooms are limited. If the maximum
possible number of participants is reached, registration can be closed early.

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