11th Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics
24-28 May 2015 IGESA, Porquerolles Island, Hyères, Var (France)
Ball-pen probe diagnostics of a weakly magnetized discharge plasma column
Lino Salamon  1  , Gabrijela Ikovic  1  , Jernej Kovacic  2@  , Tomaz Gyergyek  3, 2@  , Boris Fonda  1  
1 : University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics  (UL FMF)  -  Website
Jadranska 19 -  Slovenia
2 : Jozef Stefan Institute  (JSI)  -  Website
Jamova cesta 39 -  Slovenia
3 : University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering  (UL FE)  -  Website
Tržaška cesta 25 -  Slovenia

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